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Discourse telegram bot: keep message formatting both ways
Open, Above NormalPublic1 Points


PHID of the last column the processing script has seen this task in
Timestamp of the time this task got moved into the current column

Event Timeline

jenkins-user set Timestamp of the time this task got moved into the current column to 1693554687792.Sep 1 2023, 09:51
jenkins-user set PHID of the last column the processing script has seen this task in to PHID-PCOL-2ksh7xlolko4ggqo7rez.
jenkins-user changed Timestamp of the time this task got moved into the current column from 1693554687792 to 1693554694824.Sep 1 2023, 09:51
jenkins-user changed PHID of the last column the processing script has seen this task in from PHID-PCOL-2ksh7xlolko4ggqo7rez to PHID-PCOL-rt4p72bfiw2fnfkxc5fl.
kuba-orlik triaged this task as Above Normal priority.Sep 4 2023, 17:13
kuba-orlik shifted this object from the Restricted Space space to the S5 Publiczna space.Sep 14 2023, 10:59
kuba-orlik changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".
kuba-orlik edited projects, added Open-source; removed Restricted Project.Oct 30 2023, 13:35