- Coded by
- ziomek
- Reviewed by
- kuba-orlik
- Action required from
- kuba-orlik
Revisions and Commits
Revisions and Commits
Restricted Differential Revision |
Event Timeline
Herald added a project: Kanban. · View Herald TranscriptMay 9 2024, 20:012024-05-09 20:01:48 (UTC+2)
anastasy_pat moved this task from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to Review on the Kanban board.May 16 2024, 13:022024-05-16 13:02:37 (UTC+2)
anastasy_pat moved this task from Review to Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) on the Kanban board.May 16 2024, 13:062024-05-16 13:06:06 (UTC+2)
kuba-orlik renamed this task from Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to jdd to Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD.Jan 2 2025, 19:532025-01-02 19:53:12 (UTC+1)
kuba-orlik moved this task from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
jenkins-user updated Action required from, added: ziomek.Jan 3 2025, 09:302025-01-03 09:30:07 (UTC+1)
ziomek added a revision: Restricted Differential Revision.Jan 9 2025, 17:442025-01-09 17:44:06 (UTC+1)
jenkins-user removed ziomek as the assignee of this task.Jan 9 2025, 17:442025-01-09 17:44:10 (UTC+1)
jenkins-user reassigned this task from ziomek to kuba-orlik.Jan 9 2025, 19:412025-01-09 19:41:19 (UTC+1)
jenkins-user reassigned this task from kuba-orlik to ziomek.Thu, Jan 23, 18:472025-01-23 18:47:07 (UTC+1)
jenkins-user reassigned this task from ziomek to kuba-orlik.Fri, Jan 24, 18:062025-01-24 18:06:59 (UTC+1)
jenkins-user reassigned this task from kuba-orlik to ziomek.Thu, Feb 6, 19:432025-02-06 19:43:22 (UTC+1)
jenkins-user reassigned this task from ziomek to kuba-orlik.Fri, Feb 7, 18:452025-02-07 18:45:48 (UTC+1)