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diff --git a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/and.js b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/and.js
--- a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/and.js
+++ b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/and.js
@@ -16,14 +16,7 @@
const queries = await, strategy =>
- if (queries.some(query => query instanceof Query.DenyAll)) {
- return new Query.DenyAll();
- }
- const aggregated_pipeline = queries.reduce(
- (acc, query) => acc.concat(query.toPipeline()),
- []
- );
- return Query.fromCustomPipeline(aggregated_pipeline);
+ return new Query.And(...queries);
item_sensitive: function(params) {
const access_strategies = parse_params(app, params);
diff --git a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/and.subtest.js b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/and.subtest.js
--- a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/and.subtest.js
+++ b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/and.subtest.js
@@ -26,6 +26,14 @@
const collections = [
+ name:
+ "collection-and(nested-and(allow, public), nested-or(allow, noone))",
+ strategies: [
+ ["and", ["complex-allow-pipeline", "public"]],
+ ["or", ["complex-allow-pipeline", "noone"]],
+ ],
+ },
+ {
name: "collection-and(complex-allow-pipeline, noone)",
strategies: ["complex-allow-pipeline", "noone"],
@@ -78,6 +86,16 @@
+ it("return everything for collection-and(nested-and(allow, public), nested-or(allow, noone))", () =>
+ with_running_app(async ({ app }) => {
+ await setup(app);
+ return get_collection_as({
+ collection:
+ "collection-and(nested-and(allow, public), nested-or(allow, noone))",
+ port,
+ }).then(data => assert.equal(data.length, 3));
+ }));
it("returns nothing for and(complex-allow-pipeline, noone)", () =>
with_running_app(async ({ app }) => {
await setup(app);
diff --git a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/or.subtest.js b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/or.subtest.js
--- a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/or.subtest.js
+++ b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/or.subtest.js
@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@
const collections = [
- name: "collection-or(complex-allow-pipeline, noone)",
+ name:
+ "collection-or(nested-or(allow, noone), nested-and(allow, public))",
strategies: [
["or", ["complex-allow-pipeline", "noone"]],
- ["or", ["complex-allow-pipeline", "noone"]],
+ ["and", ["complex-allow-pipeline", "public"]],
@@ -85,11 +86,12 @@
- it("returns everything for wrapped or(complex-allow-pipeline, noone)", () =>
+ it("returns everything for collection-or(nested-or(allow, noone), nested-and(allow, public))", () =>
with_running_app(async ({ app }) => {
await setup(app);
return get_collection_as({
- collection: "collection-or(complex-allow-pipeline, noone)",
+ collection:
+ "collection-or(nested-or(allow, noone), nested-and(allow, public))",
}).then(data => assert.equal(data.length, 3));
diff --git a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/same-as-for-resource-in-field.subtest.js b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/same-as-for-resource-in-field.subtest.js
--- a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/same-as-for-resource-in-field.subtest.js
+++ b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/same-as-for-resource-in-field.subtest.js
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
const { with_running_app } = locreq("test_utils/with-test-app.js");
const assert_throws_async = locreq("test_utils/assert_throws_async.js");
-describe("SameAsReferencedInFieldStrategy", () => {
+describe("SameAsForResourceInField", () => {
let port;
let numbers;
const sessions = {};
diff --git a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/user-referenced-in-field.js b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/user-referenced-in-field.js
--- a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/user-referenced-in-field.js
+++ b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/user-referenced-in-field.js
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
name: "user-referenced-in-field",
getRestrictingQuery: async (context, field_name) => {
if (!context.user_id) return new app.Query.DenyAll();
- return new app.Query().match({
+ return app.Query.fromSingleMatch({
[`body.${field_name}`]: context.user_id,
diff --git a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/when.js b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/when.js
--- a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/when.js
+++ b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/when.js
@@ -14,13 +14,14 @@
const special_filter = collection.get_named_filter(special_filter_name);
const when_true = new app.Sealious.AccessStrategy(app, when_true_name);
const when_false = new app.Sealious.AccessStrategy(app, when_false_name);
+ const filtering_query = await special_filter.getFilteringQuery(collection);
return new Query.Or(
new Query.And(
- await special_filter.getFilteringQuery(collection),
+ filtering_query,
await when_true.getRestrictingQuery(context)
new Query.And(
- new Query.Not(await special_filter.getFilteringQuery(collection)),
+ new Query.Not(filtering_query),
await when_false.getRestrictingQuery(context)
@@ -56,22 +57,20 @@
) {
+ const query = await construct_query(
+ app,
+ context,
+ collection_name,
+ special_filter_name,
+ when_true_name,
+ when_false_name
+ );
+ query.match({ sealious_id: });
const results = await app.Datastore.aggregate(
- (await construct_query(
- app,
- context,
- collection_name,
- special_filter_name,
- when_true_name,
- when_false_name
- ))
- .match({ sealious_id: })
- .toPipeline()
+ query.toPipeline()
- if (results.length) {
- return Promise.resolve();
- } else {
+ if (!results.length) {
return Promise.reject("No access");
diff --git a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/when.subtest.js b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/when.subtest.js
--- a/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/when.subtest.js
+++ b/lib/app/base-chips/access-strategy-types/when.subtest.js
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
const assert = require("assert");
const { with_stopped_app } = locreq("test_utils/with-test-app.js");
const assert_throws_async = locreq("test_utils/assert_throws_async.js");
-const axios = require("axios");
describe("when", () => {
async function create_resources(app) {
diff --git a/lib/datastore/graph.js b/lib/datastore/graph.js
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/datastore/graph.js
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+class Graph {
+ constructor() {
+ this.adjacency_matrix = [];
+ this.node_ids = [];
+ this.nodes = [];
+ this.indexes = [];
+ }
+ addNode(id, priority) {
+ this.adjacency_matrix.push(Array(this.getNoOfNodes()).fill(0));
+ for (const row of this.adjacency_matrix) {
+ row.push(0);
+ }
+ this.node_ids.push(id);
+ this.nodes.push({ id, priority });
+ this.indexes.push(this.nodes.length - 1);
+ }
+ getNoOfNodes() {
+ return this.nodes.length;
+ }
+ addEdge(id_i, id_j) {
+ const [i, j] = this._getIndexesOfNodePair(id_i, id_j);
+ this.adjacency_matrix[i][j] = 1;
+ }
+ _getIndexesOfNodePair(id_i, id_j) {
+ return [this.node_ids.indexOf(id_i), this.node_ids.indexOf(id_j)];
+ }
+ pathExists(id_i, id_j) {
+ const [i, j] = this._getIndexesOfNodePair(id_i, id_j);
+ return this._pathExists(i, j);
+ }
+ _pathExists(i, j) {
+ if (this.adjacency_matrix[i][j]) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (let k = 0; k < this.getNoOfNodes(); ++k) {
+ if (this.adjacency_matrix[i][k]) {
+ return this._pathExists(k, j);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ bestFirstSearch() {
+ this.front = [];
+ this.visited = [];
+ while (this.visited.length < this.nodes.length) {
+ const { front_node, next_node } = this._getNextNode();
+ this.visited.push(next_node);
+ if (front_node !== null) {
+ if (this._areAllSuccessorsVisited(front_node)) {
+ const index = this.front.indexOf(front_node);
+ this.front.splice(index, 1);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!this._areAllSuccessorsVisited(next_node)) {
+ this.front.push(next_node);
+ }
+ }
+ return => this.nodes[i].id);
+ }
+ _areAllSuccessorsVisited(i) {
+ for (let j = 0; j < this.nodes.length; ++j) {
+ if (this.adjacency_matrix[i][j] && !this._isVisited(j)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ _isVisited(i) {
+ return this.visited.includes(i);
+ }
+ _isNodeWithoutPredecessors(i) {
+ for (let j = 0; j < this.nodes.length; ++j) {
+ if (this.adjacency_matrix[j][i]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ _getNextNode() {
+ const nodesWithoutPredecessorsYetToBeVisited = this.indexes.filter(
+ i => this._isNodeWithoutPredecessors(i) && !this._isVisited(i)
+ );
+ const candidate1 = this._lookForNextNodeInCandidates(
+ nodesWithoutPredecessorsYetToBeVisited
+ );
+ if (candidate1.priority === Graph.MAX_PRIORITY) {
+ return { front_node: null, next_node: candidate1.index };
+ }
+ const successorsYetToBeVisited = this.front.reduce((successors, i) => {
+ this.indexes
+ .filter(j => this.adjacency_matrix[i][j] && !this._isVisited(j))
+ .map(j => successors.add(j));
+ return successors;
+ }, new Set());
+ const candidate2 = this._lookForNextNodeInCandidates(
+ successorsYetToBeVisited
+ );
+ if (candidate1.priority < candidate2.priority) {
+ return { front_node: null, next_node: candidate1.index };
+ }
+ if (candidate1.priority === candidate2.priority) {
+ if (
+ candidate1.mean_priority_of_succcessors <
+ candidate2.mean_priority_of_succcessors
+ ) {
+ return { front_node: null, next_node: candidate1.index };
+ }
+ }
+ const front_node = this.indexes.find(
+ i => this.adjacency_matrix[i][candidate2.index]
+ );
+ return { front_node, next_node: candidate2.index };
+ }
+ _lookForNextNodeInCandidates(candidates) {
+ let next_node = null,
+ best_priority = Infinity,
+ current_mean,
+ best_mean = Infinity;
+ for (const candidate of candidates) {
+ if (this.nodes[candidate].priority < best_priority) {
+ best_priority = this.nodes[candidate].priority;
+ best_mean = this._meanPriorityOfSuccessors(candidate);
+ next_node = candidate;
+ if (this.nodes[candidate].priority === Graph.MAX_PRIORITY) {
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (this.nodes[candidate].priority === best_priority) {
+ current_mean = this._meanPriorityOfSuccessors(candidate);
+ if (current_mean < best_mean) {
+ best_mean = current_mean;
+ next_node = candidate;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ index: next_node,
+ priority: best_priority,
+ mean_priority_of_succcessors: best_mean,
+ };
+ }
+ _meanPriorityOfSuccessors(i) {
+ let sum = 0,
+ length = 0;
+ for (let j of this.indexes) {
+ if (this.adjacency_matrix[i][j] && !this._isVisited(j)) {
+ sum += this.nodes[j].priority;
+ ++length;
+ }
+ }
+ return length > 0 ? sum / length : 0;
+ }
+Graph.MAX_PRIORITY = 0;
+module.exports = Graph;
diff --git a/lib/datastore/graph.test.js b/lib/datastore/graph.test.js
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/datastore/graph.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+const Graph = require("./graph.js");
+const assert = require("assert");
+describe("graph", () => {
+ let graph;
+ beforeEach(() => {
+ graph = new Graph();
+ });
+ it("Adding nodes and edges works correctly", () => {
+ graph.addNode(1, 0);
+ graph.addNode(2, 0);
+ graph.addNode(3, 0);
+ graph.addNode(4, 0);
+ graph.addNode(5, 1);
+ graph.addNode(6, 1);
+ graph.addNode(7, 0);
+ graph.addEdge(2, 3);
+ graph.addEdge(2, 4);
+ graph.addEdge(4, 5);
+ graph.addEdge(6, 7);
+ assert.deepEqual(graph.adjacency_matrix, [
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1],
+ [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
+ ]);
+ });
+ // L1 M3 +----L4----+
+ // + | |
+ // | | |
+ // v v v
+ // M2 L5 M6
+ // +
+ // |
+ // v
+ // M7
+ it("Correctly runs best-first search on simple graph", () => {
+ graph.addNode("L1", 1);
+ graph.addNode("M2", 0);
+ graph.addNode("M3", 0);
+ graph.addNode("L4", 1);
+ graph.addNode("L5", 1);
+ graph.addNode("M6", 0);
+ graph.addNode("M7", 0);
+ graph.addEdge("L1", "M2");
+ graph.addEdge("L4", "L5");
+ graph.addEdge("L4", "M6");
+ graph.addEdge("M6", "M7");
+ assert.deepEqual(
+ ["M3", "L1", "M2", "L4", "M6", "M7", "L5"],
+ graph.bestFirstSearch()
+ );
+ });
+ // L1 M5 L6 +-----L12----+
+ // + + | |
+ // | | | |
+ // v v v v
+ // +-----L2----+ +-----O7-----+ M13 L14
+ // | | | | +
+ // | | | | |
+ // v v v v v
+ // M3 M4 +---L8---+ M11 M15
+ // | |
+ // v v
+ // M9 M10
+ it("Correctly runs best-first search on complex graph", () => {
+ graph.addNode("L1", 1);
+ graph.addNode("L2", 1);
+ graph.addNode("M3", 0);
+ graph.addNode("M4", 0);
+ graph.addNode("M5", 0);
+ graph.addNode("L6", 1);
+ graph.addNode("O7", 2);
+ graph.addNode("L8", 1);
+ graph.addNode("M9", 0);
+ graph.addNode("M10", 0);
+ graph.addNode("M11", 0);
+ graph.addNode("L12", 1);
+ graph.addNode("M13", 0);
+ graph.addNode("L14", 1);
+ graph.addNode("M15", 0);
+ graph.addEdge("L1", "L2");
+ graph.addEdge("L2", "M3");
+ graph.addEdge("L2", "M4");
+ graph.addEdge("L6", "O7");
+ graph.addEdge("O7", "L8");
+ graph.addEdge("L8", "M9");
+ graph.addEdge("L8", "M10");
+ graph.addEdge("O7", "M11");
+ graph.addEdge("L12", "M13");
+ graph.addEdge("L12", "L14");
+ graph.addEdge("L14", "M15");
+ const expectedOrder = [
+ "M5",
+ "L12",
+ "M13",
+ "L14",
+ "M15",
+ "L1",
+ "L2",
+ "M3",
+ "M4",
+ "L6",
+ "O7",
+ "M11",
+ "L8",
+ "M9",
+ "M10",
+ ];
+ assert.deepEqual(expectedOrder, graph.bestFirstSearch());
+ });
diff --git a/lib/datastore/query-step.js b/lib/datastore/query-step.js
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/datastore/query-step.js
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+const object_hash = require("object-hash");
+class QueryStep {
+ constructor(body) {
+ this.body = body;
+ }
+ hash() {
+ return QueryStep.hashBody(this.body);
+ }
+ static fromStage(stage, unwind = true) {
+ if (stage.$lookup) {
+ const clonedStageBody = Object.assign({}, stage.$lookup);
+ clonedStageBody.unwind = unwind;
+ return [new QueryStep.Lookup(clonedStageBody)];
+ } else if (stage.$match) {
+ return Object.keys(stage.$match).map(
+ field => new QueryStep.Match({ [field]: stage.$match[field] })
+ );
+ }
+ throw new Error("Unsupported stage: " + JSON.stringify(stage));
+ }
+ pushDump(dumps) {
+ dumps.push(this.body);
+ return dumps;
+ }
+ static hashBody(body) {
+ return object_hash(body, {
+ algorithm: "md5",
+ excludeKeys: key => key === "as",
+ });
+ }
+ getUsedFields() {
+ throw new Error("Cannot be used on base QueryStep class");
+ }
+QueryStep.Lookup = class extends QueryStep {
+ constructor(body) {
+ const cleared_body = {
+ from: body.from,
+ localField: body.localField,
+ foreignField: body.foreignField,
+ };
+ = QueryStep.hashBody(cleared_body);
+ super(cleared_body);
+ this.unwind = body.unwind;
+ }
+ hash() {
+ return;
+ }
+ pushStage(pipeline) {
+ pipeline.push({ $lookup: this.body });
+ if (this.unwind) {
+ pipeline.push({ $unwind: "$" + });
+ }
+ return pipeline;
+ }
+ getUsedFields() {
+ return this.body.localField.split(".");
+ }
+ getCost() {
+ return 8;
+ }
+QueryStep.Match = class extends QueryStep {
+ pushStage(pipeline) {
+ pipeline.push({ $match: this.body });
+ return pipeline;
+ }
+ getUsedFields() {
+ return getAllKeys(this.body)
+ .map(path => path.split("."))
+ .reduce((acc, fields) =>
+ acc.concat(fields.filter(field => !field.startsWith("$")))
+ );
+ }
+ getCost() {
+ return this.body.$or ? 2 : 0;
+ }
+function getAllKeys(obj) {
+ return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, key) => {
+ if (obj[key] instanceof Object) {
+ acc.push(...getAllKeys(obj[key]));
+ }
+ if (!Array.isArray(obj)) {
+ acc.push(key);
+ }
+ return acc;
+ }, []);
+module.exports = QueryStep;
diff --git a/lib/datastore/query.js b/lib/datastore/query.js
--- a/lib/datastore/query.js
+++ b/lib/datastore/query.js
@@ -1,56 +1,93 @@
"use strict";
-const Promise = require("bluebird");
-const hash_item = value =>
- require("object-hash")(value, {
- algorithm: "md5",
- excludeKeys: key => key === "as",
- });
+const object_hash = require("object-hash");
+const QueryStep = require("./query-step.js");
+const transformObject = require("../utils/transform-object.js");
class Query {
constructor() {
- this.stages = [];
+ this.steps = [];
- lookup(body, unwind = true) {
- = hash_item(body);
- this.stages.push({ $lookup: body, unwinds: unwind });
- return;
+ lookup(body) {
+ const lookup_step = new QueryStep.Lookup(body);
+ this.steps.push(lookup_step);
+ return lookup_step.hash();
match(body) {
- this.stages.push({ $match: body });
- return this;
+ for (let key of Object.keys(body)) {
+ this.steps.push(new QueryStep.Match({ [key]: body[key] }));
+ }
dump() {
- return this.stages;
+ return this.steps;
toPipeline() {
- return this.stages.reduce(
- (acc, stage) => this._pushToPipeline(acc, stage),
+ return this.steps.reduce(
+ (pipeline, query_step) => query_step.pushStage(pipeline),
- _pushToPipeline(pipeline, stage) {
- if (!stage.$lookup) {
- pipeline.push(stage);
- } else {
- pipeline.push({ $lookup: stage.$lookup });
- if (stage.unwinds) {
- pipeline.push({ $unwind: "$" + stage.$ });
- }
- }
- return pipeline;
- }
static fromSingleMatch(body) {
const query = new Query();
- return query.match(body);
+ query.match(body);
+ return query;
static fromCustomPipeline(stages) {
const query = new Query();
- query.stages = stages;
+ let steps;
+ const field_as_to_hash = {};
+ for (let i = 0; i < stages.length; ++i) {
+ if (stages[i].$unwind) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const stage = transformObject(
+ stages[i],
+ prop => {
+ if (prop.startsWith("$")) {
+ return prop;
+ }
+ const fields = prop.split(".");
+ return fields
+ .map(field => field_as_to_hash[field] || field)
+ .join(".");
+ },
+ (prop, value) => {
+ let fields;
+ if (typeof value !== "string") {
+ return value;
+ }
+ if (prop === "localField") {
+ fields = value.split(".");
+ } else if (value.startsWith("$")) {
+ fields = value.substring(1).split(".");
+ } else {
+ return value;
+ }
+ return fields
+ .map(field => field_as_to_hash[field] || field)
+ .join(".");
+ }
+ );
+ steps = QueryStep.fromStage(stage, query._isUnwindStage(stages, i));
+ if (stage.$lookup) {
+ const field_as = stage.$;
+ field_as_to_hash[field_as] = steps[0].hash();
+ }
+ query.steps.push(...steps);
+ }
return query;
+ _isUnwindStage(stages, i) {
+ if (!stages[i].$lookup) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return stages[i + 1] && stages[i + 1].$unwind;
+ }
+module.exports = Query;
Query.DenyAll = class extends Query {
constructor() {
@@ -77,62 +114,7 @@
-Query.Or = class extends Query {
- constructor(...queries) {
- super();
- this.lookups = {};
- this.matches = [];
- for (let query of queries) {
- this.addQuery(query);
- }
- }
- addQuery(query) {
- let stages = query.dump();
- const combined_match = {};
- for (let stage of stages) {
- if (stage.$lookup) {
- this._lookup(stage);
- } else if (stage.$match) {
- Object.assign(combined_match, stage.$match);
- } else {
- throw new Error("Unsupported query: " + Object.keys(stage));
- }
- }
- if (Object.keys(combined_match).length)
- this.matches.push(combined_match);
- }
- _lookup(stage) {
- const id = stage.$;
- this.lookups[id] = stage;
- }
- dump() {
- return Object.values(this.lookups).concat({
- $match: { $or: this.matches },
- });
- }
- toPipeline() {
- return Object.values(this.lookups)
- .reduce((acc, stage) => this._pushToPipeline(acc, stage), [])
- .concat({
- $match: { $or: this.matches },
- });
- }
- match(body) {
- return Query.fromCustomPipeline([
- { $match: body },
- ...this.toPipeline(),
- ]);
- }
-Query.And = class extends Query {
- constructor(...queries) {
- super();
- this.stages = queries
- .map(query => query.stages)
- .reduce((acc, stages) => acc.concat(stages), []);
- }
+Query.Or = require("./query_or.js");
Query.Not = class extends Query {
constructor(query) {
@@ -150,4 +132,4 @@
-module.exports = Query;
+Query.And = require("./query_and.js");
diff --git a/lib/datastore/query.test.js b/lib/datastore/query.test.js
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/datastore/query.test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,413 @@
+const Query = require("./query.js");
+const assert = require("assert");
+const QueryStep = require("./query-step.js");
+describe("Query", () => {
+ describe("Query general", () => {
+ it("Creates correct query from custom pipeline", () => {
+ const pipeline = [
+ { $match: { title: { $ne: "The Joy of PHP" }, edition: 1 } },
+ {
+ $lookup: {
+ from: "authors",
+ localField: "author",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ as: "author_item",
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ $unwind: "$author_item",
+ },
+ { $match: { "": { $regex: "some_regex" } } },
+ {
+ $lookup: {
+ from: "states",
+ localField: "author.state",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ as: "state_item",
+ },
+ },
+ { $unwind: "$state_item" },
+ {
+ $match: {
+ $or: [
+ { "author_item.age": { $le: 30 } },
+ { edition: { $gt: 3 } },
+ ],
+ "state_item.abbrevation": { $eq: "PL" },
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ const query = Query.fromCustomPipeline(pipeline);
+ const authors_hash = hashLookup(pipeline[1]);
+ const states_hash = hashLookup(pipeline[4]);
+ const expected_pipeline = [
+ { $match: { title: { $ne: "The Joy of PHP" } } },
+ { $match: { edition: 1 } },
+ {
+ $lookup: {
+ from: "authors",
+ localField: "author",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ as: authors_hash,
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ $unwind: "$" + authors_hash,
+ },
+ {
+ $match: {
+ [`${authors_hash}.name`]: {
+ $regex: "some_regex",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ $lookup: {
+ from: "states",
+ localField: "author.state",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ as: states_hash,
+ },
+ },
+ { $unwind: "$" + states_hash },
+ {
+ $match: {
+ $or: [
+ { [`${authors_hash}.age`]: { $le: 30 } },
+ { edition: { $gt: 3 } },
+ ],
+ },
+ },
+ { $match: { [`${states_hash}.abbrevation`]: { $eq: "PL" } } },
+ ];
+ assert.deepEqual(query.toPipeline(), expected_pipeline);
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Query.Or", () => {
+ it("Returns correct pipeline stages for simple case", () => {
+ const queries = [];
+ const M1 = {
+ title: { $ne: "The Joy of PHP" },
+ };
+ queries.push(Query.fromSingleMatch(M1));
+ let query = new Query();
+ const L2 = {
+ from: "authors",
+ localField: "author",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ unwind: true,
+ };
+ const L2_id = query.lookup(L2);
+ const M3 = {
+ [`${L2_id}.last_name`]: { $in: ["Scott", "Dostoyevsky"] },
+ };
+ query.match(M3);
+ queries.push(query);
+ const or = new Query.Or(...queries);
+ const expected_pipeline = [
+ {
+ $lookup: {
+ from: L2.from,
+ localField: L2.localField,
+ foreignField: L2.foreignField,
+ as: L2_id,
+ },
+ },
+ { $unwind: `$${L2_id}` },
+ { $match: { $or: [M1, M3] } },
+ ];
+ assert.deepEqual(or.toPipeline(), expected_pipeline);
+ });
+ it("Returns correct pipeline stages when And query is provided", () => {
+ let queries = [];
+ let subquery = new Query();
+ const L1 = {
+ from: "authors",
+ localField: "author",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ unwind: true,
+ };
+ const L1_id = subquery.lookup(L1);
+ const M2 = {
+ [`${L1_id}.last_name`]: { $in: ["Christie", "Rowling"] },
+ };
+ subquery.match(M2);
+ queries.push(subquery);
+ const M3 = {
+ title: { $ne: "The Joy of PHP" },
+ };
+ queries.push(Query.fromSingleMatch(M3));
+ const and_1 = new Query.And(...queries);
+ queries = [];
+ subquery = new Query();
+ const L4 = {
+ from: "authors",
+ localField: "author",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ unwind: true,
+ };
+ const L4_id = subquery.lookup(L4);
+ const M4 = {
+ [`${L4_id}.middle_name`]: { $in: ["Brown", "Black"] },
+ };
+ subquery.match(M4);
+ queries.push(subquery);
+ subquery = new Query();
+ subquery.lookup(L4);
+ const L5 = {
+ from: "publisher",
+ localField: `${L4_id}.publisher`,
+ foreignField: "publisher_id",
+ unwind: true,
+ };
+ const L5_id = subquery.lookup(L5);
+ const M6 = {
+ $or: [
+ { [`${L4_id}.first_name`]: "Ann" },
+ { [`${L5_id}.income`]: { $gt: 1000 } },
+ ],
+ };
+ subquery.match(M6);
+ const M7 = {
+ price: { $lte: 100 },
+ };
+ subquery.match(M7);
+ queries.push(subquery);
+ const and_2 = new Query.And(...queries);
+ const query = new Query.Or(and_1, and_2);
+ const expected_pipeline = makeQueryFromStageBodies([
+ L1,
+ L4,
+ L5,
+ {
+ $or: [{ $and: [M3, M2] }, { $and: [M7, M4, M6] }],
+ },
+ ]).toPipeline();
+ assert.deepEqual(expected_pipeline, query.toPipeline());
+ });
+ });
+ describe("Query.And", () => {
+ it("Returns pipeline stages in correct order for simple case", () => {
+ const queries = [];
+ let query = new Query();
+ const L1 = {
+ from: "authors",
+ localField: "author",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ unwind: true,
+ };
+ const L1_id = query.lookup(L1);
+ const M2 = {
+ [`${L1_id}.last_name`]: { $in: ["Christie", "Rowling"] },
+ };
+ query.match(M2);
+ queries.push(query);
+ const M3 = {
+ title: { $ne: "The Joy of PHP" },
+ };
+ queries.push(Query.fromSingleMatch(M3));
+ const and = new Query.And(...queries);
+ const stageBodies = [M3, L1, M2];
+ assertStagesAreCorrectlyOrdered(stageBodies, and.toPipeline());
+ assert.deepEqual(makeSteps(stageBodies), and.dump());
+ });
+ function assertStagesAreCorrectlyOrdered(
+ expectedRawPipeline,
+ actualPipeline
+ ) {
+ const query = makeQueryFromStageBodies(expectedRawPipeline);
+ assert.deepEqual(actualPipeline, query.toPipeline());
+ }
+ function makeSteps(stageBodies) {
+ return stageBodies.reduce((acc, stageBody) => {
+ if (stageBody instanceof Query.Or) {
+ return acc.concat(stageBody.dump());
+ }
+ if (stageBody.from) {
+ return acc.concat(new QueryStep.Lookup(stageBody));
+ }
+ return acc.concat(Query.fromSingleMatch(stageBody).dump());
+ }, []);
+ }
+ it("Returns pipeline stages in correct order for complex case", () => {
+ const queries = [];
+ let query = new Query();
+ const L1 = {
+ from: "authors",
+ localField: "author",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ unwind: true,
+ };
+ const L1_id = query.lookup(L1);
+ const L2 = {
+ from: "publisher",
+ localField: `${L1_id}.publisher`,
+ foreignField: "publisher_id",
+ unwind: true,
+ };
+ const L2_id = query.lookup(L2);
+ const M3_4 = {
+ [`${L2_id}.city`]: { $in: ["A", "B"] },
+ $or: [
+ { [`${L1_id}.first_name`]: "Ann" },
+ { [`${L2_id}.income`]: { $gt: 1000 } },
+ ],
+ };
+ query.match(M3_4);
+ queries.push(query);
+ query = new Query();
+ const M5 = {
+ title: { $ne: "The Joy of PHP" },
+ };
+ query.match(M5);
+ queries.push(query);
+ let subquery1 = new Query();
+ const O6_L1 = {
+ from: "libraries",
+ localField: "first_library",
+ foreignField: "library_id",
+ };
+ const O6_L1_id = subquery1.lookup(O6_L1);
+ const O6_M1 = {
+ [`${O6_L1_id}.street`]: { $in: ["A street", "B street"] },
+ [`${O6_L1_id}.open_at_night`]: { $eq: true },
+ };
+ subquery1.match(O6_M1);
+ const O6_M2 = {
+ books_count: { $lte: 30 },
+ };
+ let subquery2 = Query.fromSingleMatch(O6_M2);
+ const O6 = new Query.Or(subquery1, subquery2);
+ queries.push(O6);
+ const O7_M1 = {
+ title: {
+ $in: ["PHP - Python Has Power", "The Good Parts of JS"],
+ },
+ };
+ const O7_M2 = O6_M2;
+ const O7 = new Query.Or(
+ Query.fromSingleMatch(O7_M1),
+ Query.fromSingleMatch(O7_M2)
+ );
+ queries.push(O7);
+ query = new Query();
+ const L8 = {
+ from: "cover_types",
+ localField: "cover",
+ foreignField: "cover_type_id",
+ unwind: true,
+ };
+ const L8_id = query.lookup(L8);
+ const M9 = {
+ [`${L8_id}.name`]: { $ne: "hard" },
+ };
+ query.match(M9);
+ queries.push(query);
+ query = new Query();
+ // check if hashing is order insensitive
+ const L10 = {
+ localField: "cover",
+ from: "cover_types",
+ foreignField: "cover_type_id",
+ unwind: true,
+ };
+ const L10_id = query.lookup(L10);
+ const M11 = {
+ [`${L10_id}.name`]: { $ne: "no_cover" },
+ };
+ query.match(M11);
+ queries.push(query);
+ const stageBodies = [M5, O7, L8, M9, M11, O6, L1, L2, M3_4];
+ let and = new Query.And(...queries);
+ assertStagesAreCorrectlyOrdered(stageBodies, and.toPipeline());
+ assert.deepEqual(makeSteps(stageBodies), and.dump());
+ });
+ it("Returns deny all pipeline when provided Query.DenyAll", () => {
+ const queries = [];
+ let query = new Query();
+ const L1 = {
+ from: "authors",
+ localField: "author",
+ foreignField: "_id",
+ unwind: true,
+ };
+ const L1_id = query.lookup(L1);
+ const M2 = {
+ [`${L1_id}.last_name`]: { $in: ["Christie", "Rowling"] },
+ };
+ query.match(M2);
+ queries.push(query);
+ const deny_all_query = new Query.DenyAll();
+ queries.push(deny_all_query);
+ const M3 = {
+ title: { $ne: "The Joy of PHP" },
+ };
+ queries.push(Query.fromSingleMatch(M3));
+ const and = new Query.And(...queries);
+ assert.deepEqual(and.toPipeline(), deny_all_query.toPipeline());
+ assert.deepEqual(and.dump(), deny_all_query.dump());
+ });
+ });
+function makeQueryFromStageBodies(stageBodies) {
+ const query = new Query();
+ for (let i = 0; i < stageBodies.length; ++i) {
+ const stage = stageBodies[i];
+ if (stage instanceof Query) {
+ query.steps.push(...stage.dump());
+ } else if (stage.from) {
+ query.lookup(stage);
+ } else {
+ for (let step of Object.keys(stage)) {
+ query.match({ [step]: stage[step] });
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return query;
+function hashLookup({ $lookup }) {
+ const { as, ...lookup_without_as } = $lookup;
+ return QueryStep.hashBody(lookup_without_as);
diff --git a/lib/datastore/query_and.js b/lib/datastore/query_and.js
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/datastore/query_and.js
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+const Query = require("./query.js");
+const QueryStep = require("./query-step.js");
+const Graph = require("./graph.js");
+module.exports = class extends Query {
+ constructor(...queries) {
+ super();
+ this._reset();
+ for (let query of queries) {
+ this.addQuery(query);
+ }
+ }
+ _reset() {
+ this.graph = new Graph();
+ this.aggregation_steps = {};
+ this.received_deny_all = false;
+ }
+ addQuery(query) {
+ if (this.received_deny_all) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (query instanceof Query.DenyAll) {
+ this._reset();
+ this.received_deny_all = true;
+ }
+ const steps = query.dump();
+ for (let step of steps) {
+ const id = step.hash();
+ if (this._isInGraph(id)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ this._addToAggregationSteps(id, step);
+ this._addDependenciesInGraph(id, step);
+ }
+ }
+ _isInGraph(key) {
+ return key.length === 32 && this.graph.node_ids.includes(key);
+ }
+ _addToAggregationSteps(id, step) {
+ this.graph.addNode(id, step.getCost());
+ this.aggregation_steps[id] = step;
+ }
+ _addDependenciesInGraph(id, step) {
+ let dependencies = step
+ .getUsedFields()
+ .filter(field => this._isInGraph(field));
+ if (step instanceof QueryStep.Match) {
+ dependencies = dependencies.filter(d1 =>
+ this._isNotDependencyForAnyInGroup(d1, dependencies)
+ );
+ }
+ for (let dependency of dependencies) {
+ this.graph.addEdge(dependency, id);
+ }
+ }
+ _isNotDependencyForAnyInGroup(id, nodeGroup) {
+ return !nodeGroup.some(
+ node => id !== node && this.graph.pathExists(id, node)
+ );
+ }
+ dump() {
+ const sortedStepIds = this.graph.bestFirstSearch();
+ return sortedStepIds.reduce((steps, id) => {
+ if (Array.isArray(this.aggregation_steps[id])) {
+ steps.push(...this.aggregation_steps[id]);
+ } else {
+ steps.push(this.aggregation_steps[id]);
+ }
+ return steps;
+ }, []);
+ }
+ toPipeline() {
+ const sortedStepIds = this.graph.bestFirstSearch();
+ return sortedStepIds.reduce((pipeline, id) => {
+ if (Array.isArray(this.aggregation_steps[id])) {
+ for (let step of this.aggregation_steps[id]) {
+ step.pushStage(pipeline);
+ }
+ return pipeline;
+ }
+ return this.aggregation_steps[id].pushStage(pipeline);
+ }, []);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/datastore/query_or.js b/lib/datastore/query_or.js
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/datastore/query_or.js
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+const Query = require("./query.js");
+const QueryStep = require("./query-step.js");
+module.exports = class extends Query {
+ constructor(...queries) {
+ super();
+ this.lookup_steps = [];
+ for (let query of queries) {
+ this.addQuery(query);
+ }
+ }
+ addQuery(query) {
+ const steps = query.dump();
+ this.lookup_steps.push(
+ ...steps.filter(step => step instanceof QueryStep.Lookup)
+ );
+ const match_stage_bodies = [];
+ steps
+ .filter(step => step instanceof QueryStep.Match)
+ .forEach(step => step.pushDump(match_stage_bodies));
+ const match_stage =
+ match_stage_bodies.length > 1
+ ? { $and: match_stage_bodies }
+ : match_stage_bodies[0];
+ this.steps.push(new QueryStep.Match(match_stage));
+ }
+ dump() {
+ return this.lookup_steps.concat(
+ new QueryStep.Match({ $or: this._getMatchExpressions() })
+ );
+ }
+ toPipeline() {
+ const lookups = this.lookup_steps.reduce(
+ (acc, step) => step.pushStage(acc),
+ []
+ );
+ return lookups.concat({ $match: { $or: this._getMatchExpressions() } });
+ }
+ _getMatchExpressions() {
+ return this.steps.reduce((acc, step) => step.pushDump(acc), []);
+ }
diff --git a/lib/utils/transform-object.js b/lib/utils/transform-object.js
new file mode 100644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/utils/transform-object.js
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+function transformObject(obj, prop_tranformer, value_transformer) {
+ return Object.keys(obj).reduce((new_obj, prop) => {
+ let new_prop = prop_tranformer(prop);
+ new_obj[new_prop] =
+ obj[prop] instanceof Object
+ ? transformObject(obj[prop], prop_tranformer, value_transformer)
+ : value_transformer(prop, obj[prop]);
+ return new_obj;
+ }, Array.isArray(obj) ? [] : {});
+module.exports = transformObject;
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -5,15 +5,13 @@
"description": "A declarative framework for fast & easy app development.",
"main": "./lib/main.js",
"scripts": {
- "test": "mocha setup-test.js lib/**/*.test.js"
+ "test": "mocha setup-test.js \"./lib/**/*.test.js\""
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
- "keywords": [
- "sealious"
- ],
+ "keywords": ["sealious"],
"author": "The Sealious team (",
"license": "BSD-2-Clause",
"bugs": {
diff --git a/test_utils/access-strategy-types/create_strategies_with_complex_pipeline.js b/test_utils/access-strategy-types/create_strategies_with_complex_pipeline.js
--- a/test_utils/access-strategy-types/create_strategies_with_complex_pipeline.js
+++ b/test_utils/access-strategy-types/create_strategies_with_complex_pipeline.js
@@ -17,11 +17,12 @@
localField: "body.number",
foreignField: "sealious_id",
- return query.match({
+ query.match({
[`${id}._id`]: {
$exists: strategy === "complex-allow-pipeline",
+ return query;
checker_function: function() {
return Promise.resolve();
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