A proxy that rewrites HTML to turn external resources into local ones. It caches the resources and protects your user's IP addresses
- Forum category
- https://forum.sealcode.org/c/open-source/assetproxy/42
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2975: Implement the assetproxy functionality, added: FilipI; removed; ziomek.
jenkins-user placed T2975: Implement the assetproxy functionality up for grabs.
jenkins-user moved T2975: Implement the assetproxy functionality from Doing to Review on the Kanban board.
ziomek added a revision to T2975: Implement the assetproxy functionality: Restricted Differential Revision.
Thu, Jan 16
Thu, Jan 16
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2975: Implement the assetproxy functionality, added: ziomek.
ziomek moved T2975: Implement the assetproxy functionality from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to Doing on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik created Assetproxy.