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Thu, Mar 20
Thu, Mar 20
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2952: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious , added: AmeliaB, • Koossa, karolwojtowicz87, brtkuu, prostyfranek, zbartosz, radoptak; removed; kuba-orlik.
jenkins-user moved T2952: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious from Review to Ready for testing on the Kanban board.
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2931: Convert Thumbnail Paragraph from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: nijatbabakhanov; removed; FilipI.
jenkins-user moved T2931: Convert Thumbnail Paragraph from old Sealcode website to jdd from Review to Doing on the Kanban board.
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD, added: ziomek; removed; FilipI.
Thu, Mar 20, 17:53 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user reassigned T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD from FilipI to ziomek.
Thu, Mar 20, 17:53 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD from Review to Doing on the Kanban board.
Thu, Mar 20, 17:53 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2931: Convert Thumbnail Paragraph from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: FilipI; removed; kuba-orlik.
kuba-orlik updated Reviewed by for T2931: Convert Thumbnail Paragraph from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: FilipI; removed; kuba-orlik.
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD, added: FilipI; removed; kuba-orlik.
Thu, Mar 20, 17:47 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user reassigned T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD from kuba-orlik to FilipI.
Thu, Mar 20, 17:47 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
kuba-orlik updated Reviewed by for T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD, added: FilipI; removed; kuba-orlik.
Thu, Mar 20, 17:46 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2970: Add postgres to sealious project from Review to Doing on the Kanban board.
Tue, Mar 18
Tue, Mar 18
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD, added: kuba-orlik; removed; ziomek.
Tue, Mar 18, 17:56 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user reassigned T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD from ziomek to kuba-orlik.
Tue, Mar 18, 17:56 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD from Doing to Review on the Kanban board.
Tue, Mar 18, 17:56 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
Mon, Mar 17
Mon, Mar 17
Show date in blog tiles
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: nijatbabakhanov; removed; AmeliaB, • Koossa, karolwojtowicz87, brtkuu, prostyfranek, zbartosz, radoptak.
jenkins-user updated Tested by for T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: FilipI.
jenkins-user moved T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd from Ready for testing to Doing on the Kanban board.
jenkins-user reassigned T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD from FilipI to ziomek.
Mon, Mar 17, 13:32 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD, added: ziomek; removed; FilipI.
Mon, Mar 17, 13:32 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD from Ready for testing to Doing on the Kanban board.
Mon, Mar 17, 13:32 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: AmeliaB, • Koossa, karolwojtowicz87, brtkuu, prostyfranek, zbartosz, radoptak; removed; kuba-orlik.
jenkins-user moved T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd from Review to Ready for testing on the Kanban board.
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD, added: FilipI; removed; kuba-orlik.
Mon, Mar 17, 11:55 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user reassigned T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD from kuba-orlik to FilipI.
Mon, Mar 17, 11:55 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2925: Convert Product Tile from old Sealcode website to JDD from Review to Ready for testing on the Kanban board.
Mon, Mar 17, 11:54 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
kuba-orlik moved T3028: Stress test of a sealious-based app from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
Sun, Mar 16
Sun, Mar 16
kuba-orlik moved T3026: Peertube: Delay remote channel synchronization from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T3024: Sealious plugin for ActivityPub from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
Add custom CSS wrapper component
kuba-orlik moved T2994: JDD Component for displaying code snippets from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to Blocked on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T2990: JDD new argument type: Code from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to Blocked on the Kanban board.
Sun, Mar 16, 21:01 · jdd editor / component debugger, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Paid
kuba-orlik committed rJDDcaf86a5e0edb: Make NestedComponent optionally take classes and index for the component.
Make NestedComponent optionally take classes and index for the component
kuba-orlik moved T3023: Remove bluebird as a dependency from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
Fri, Mar 14
Fri, Mar 14
Thu, Mar 13
Thu, Mar 13
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2929: Convert Technology Tile from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: nijatbabakhanov; removed; FilipI.
jenkins-user updated Coded by for T2929: Convert Technology Tile from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: nijatbabakhanov.
nijatbabakhanov moved T2929: Convert Technology Tile from old Sealcode website to jdd from To do to Doing on the Kanban board.
Tue, Mar 11
Tue, Mar 11
kuba-orlik moved T3019: General Nginx metrics in prometheus from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to Blocked on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T3020: Support multiple instances of AssetProxy on one host from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to Blocked on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T3021: Recurrent task for backups from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to Blocked on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T3022: Setup the process of updating assetproxy from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to Blocked on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik added a parent task for T3020: Support multiple instances of AssetProxy on one host: T3021: Recurrent task for backups.
kuba-orlik added a parent task for T3014: Setup dashboards in Grafana: T3019: General Nginx metrics in prometheus.
kuba-orlik added a parent task for T3018: Install Prometheus: T3019: General Nginx metrics in prometheus.
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T3005: Initialize assetproxy repository for playbooks, added: Jakski.
jenkins-user updated Coded by for T3005: Initialize assetproxy repository for playbooks, added: Jakski.
Jakski moved T3005: Initialize assetproxy repository for playbooks from To do to Doing on the Kanban board.
jenkins-user moved T3015: Gather metrics about a specific assetproxy instance from To do to Blocked on the Kanban board.
jenkins-user moved T3011: Ansible rule to set up one instance of AssetProxy on the target machine from To do to Blocked on the Kanban board.
jenkins-user moved T3010: Setup nodejs on the target machine from To do to Blocked on the Kanban board.
jenkins-user moved T3006: Prepare firewall using nftables from To do to Blocked on the Kanban board.
jenkins-user moved T3017: Application level metrics in AssetProxy from To do to Blocked on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T2991: Extract Monaco editor as a separate module from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
Tue, Mar 11, 19:12 · Assetproxy, jdd editor / component debugger, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Paid, Kanban
kuba-orlik moved T3008: Sane defaults for the server from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T3007: Secure the ssh from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T3005: Initialize assetproxy repository for playbooks from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T3006: Prepare firewall using nftables from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T3009: Install MongoDB from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T3010: Setup nodejs on the target machine from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T3013: Install Grafana from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
kuba-orlik moved T3012: TLS certificate management from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.