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Thu, Sep 5

jenkins-user placed T2908: Convert Banner from old Sealcode website to jdd up for grabs.
Thu, Sep 5, 17:50 · Paid, Open-source, Sealious playground, Kanban
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2908: Convert Banner from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: FilipI.
Thu, Sep 5, 17:50 · Paid, Open-source, Sealious playground, Kanban
jenkins-user moved T2908: Convert Banner from old Sealcode website to jdd from To do to Review on the Kanban board.
Thu, Sep 5, 17:50 · Paid, Open-source, Sealious playground, Kanban
tivoris added a revision to T2908: Convert Banner from old Sealcode website to jdd: Restricted Differential Revision.
Thu, Sep 5, 17:50 · Paid, Open-source, Sealious playground, Kanban
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2607: Integracja module starter z npm init, added: jakub-kaluza.
Thu, Sep 5, 17:28 · Paid, Kanban, Good for training
jakub-kaluza updated Action required from for T2607: Integracja module starter z npm init, removed: jakub-kaluza.
Thu, Sep 5, 17:28 · Paid, Kanban, Good for training
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2607: Integracja module starter z npm init, added: jakub-kaluza.
Thu, Sep 5, 17:28 · Paid, Kanban, Good for training
jenkins-user assigned T2607: Integracja module starter z npm init to jakub-kaluza.
Thu, Sep 5, 17:28 · Paid, Kanban, Good for training
jenkins-user updated Coded by for T2607: Integracja module starter z npm init, added: jakub-kaluza.
Thu, Sep 5, 17:28 · Paid, Kanban, Good for training
jakub-kaluza moved T2607: Integracja module starter z npm init from To do to Doing on the Kanban board.
Thu, Sep 5, 17:28 · Paid, Kanban, Good for training
kuba-orlik updated the task description for T2607: Integracja module starter z npm init.
Thu, Sep 5, 17:11 · Paid, Kanban, Good for training

Tue, Sep 3

michal1024 placed T2952: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious up for grabs.
Tue, Sep 3, 16:49 · Paid, Kanban, Sealious

Thu, Aug 29

jenkins-user placed T2950: DeepReverseSingleReference - shorter notation up for grabs.
Thu, Aug 29, 23:55 · Paid, Sealious, Kanban
jenkins-user moved T2950: DeepReverseSingleReference - shorter notation from Doing to Review on the Kanban board.
Thu, Aug 29, 23:55 · Paid, Sealious, Kanban
FilipI added a revision to T2950: DeepReverseSingleReference - shorter notation: Restricted Differential Revision.
Thu, Aug 29, 23:55 · Paid, Sealious, Kanban
antoni-swiatczak claimed T2891: PNG generator based on SVG template.
Thu, Aug 29, 19:12 · Kanban, Paid, Open-source
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2891: PNG generator based on SVG template, added: arekn; removed; antoni-swiatczak.
Thu, Aug 29, 19:09 · Kanban, Paid, Open-source
jenkins-user reassigned T2891: PNG generator based on SVG template from antoni-swiatczak to arekn.
Thu, Aug 29, 19:09 · Kanban, Paid, Open-source
antoni-swiatczak claimed T2891: PNG generator based on SVG template.
Thu, Aug 29, 19:09 · Kanban, Paid, Open-source
kuba-orlik merged task T1711: Responsive-image: automatyczna dedukcja `resolutions` na podstawie `sizes` into Unknown Object (Maniphest Task).
Thu, Aug 29, 18:45 · Paid, ImageRouter, Kanban
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2270: Funkcja do wygenerowania URL-a z jednym rozmiarem, added: FilipI; removed; antoni-swiatczak.
Thu, Aug 29, 18:17 · Paid, Good for training, Kanban, ImageRouter
jenkins-user placed T2270: Funkcja do wygenerowania URL-a z jednym rozmiarem up for grabs.
Thu, Aug 29, 18:17 · Paid, Good for training, Kanban, ImageRouter
jenkins-user moved T2270: Funkcja do wygenerowania URL-a z jednym rozmiarem from Doing to Review on the Kanban board.
Thu, Aug 29, 18:17 · Paid, Good for training, Kanban, ImageRouter
antoni-swiatczak added a revision to T2270: Funkcja do wygenerowania URL-a z jednym rozmiarem: Restricted Differential Revision.
Thu, Aug 29, 18:17 · Paid, Good for training, Kanban, ImageRouter
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2950: DeepReverseSingleReference - shorter notation, added: FilipI.
Thu, Aug 29, 17:44 · Paid, Sealious, Kanban
jenkins-user assigned T2950: DeepReverseSingleReference - shorter notation to FilipI.
Thu, Aug 29, 17:44 · Paid, Sealious, Kanban
jenkins-user updated Coded by for T2950: DeepReverseSingleReference - shorter notation, added: FilipI.
Thu, Aug 29, 17:44 · Paid, Sealious, Kanban
FilipI moved T2950: DeepReverseSingleReference - shorter notation from To do to Doing on the Kanban board.
Thu, Aug 29, 17:44 · Paid, Sealious, Kanban

Tue, Aug 20

jenkins-user placed T2920: Convert Notice Board from old Sealcode website to jdd up for grabs.
Tue, Aug 20, 16:31 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2920: Convert Notice Board from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: FilipI; removed; anastasy_pat.
Tue, Aug 20, 16:31 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2920: Convert Notice Board from old Sealcode website to jdd from Doing to Review on the Kanban board.
Tue, Aug 20, 16:31 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
anastasy_pat added a revision to T2920: Convert Notice Board from old Sealcode website to jdd: Restricted Differential Revision.
Tue, Aug 20, 16:31 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground

Aug 8 2024

jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2270: Funkcja do wygenerowania URL-a z jednym rozmiarem, added: antoni-swiatczak.
Aug 8 2024, 21:25 · Paid, Good for training, Kanban, ImageRouter
jenkins-user assigned T2270: Funkcja do wygenerowania URL-a z jednym rozmiarem to antoni-swiatczak.
Aug 8 2024, 21:25 · Paid, Good for training, Kanban, ImageRouter
jenkins-user updated Coded by for T2270: Funkcja do wygenerowania URL-a z jednym rozmiarem, added: antoni-swiatczak.
Aug 8 2024, 21:25 · Paid, Good for training, Kanban, ImageRouter
antoni-swiatczak moved T2270: Funkcja do wygenerowania URL-a z jednym rozmiarem from To do to Doing on the Kanban board.
Aug 8 2024, 21:25 · Paid, Good for training, Kanban, ImageRouter
tivoris claimed T2908: Convert Banner from old Sealcode website to jdd.
Aug 8 2024, 17:57 · Paid, Open-source, Sealious playground, Kanban
kuba-orlik updated Action required from for T2908: Convert Banner from old Sealcode website to jdd, removed: FilipI.
Aug 8 2024, 17:47 · Paid, Open-source, Sealious playground, Kanban
kuba-orlik edited projects for T2908: Convert Banner from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: Paid; removed Unknown Object (Project).
Aug 8 2024, 17:47 · Paid, Open-source, Sealious playground, Kanban
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2905: Convert Header Lead Paragraph from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: FilipI; removed; tivoris.
Aug 8 2024, 17:18 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user placed T2905: Convert Header Lead Paragraph from old Sealcode website to jdd up for grabs.
Aug 8 2024, 17:18 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2905: Convert Header Lead Paragraph from old Sealcode website to jdd from Doing to Review on the Kanban board.
Aug 8 2024, 17:18 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
tivoris added a revision to T2905: Convert Header Lead Paragraph from old Sealcode website to jdd: Restricted Differential Revision.
Aug 8 2024, 17:18 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground

Aug 4 2024

tivoris added a comment to T2905: Convert Header Lead Paragraph from old Sealcode website to jdd.
Aug 4 2024, 13:57 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2954: Add an "endless" option to autoscrolling-images, added: kuba-orlik; removed; xanderazuaje.
Aug 4 2024, 11:47 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Kanban
kuba-orlik claimed T2954: Add an "endless" option to autoscrolling-images.
Aug 4 2024, 11:47 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Kanban

Aug 3 2024

kuba-orlik closed T2946: Jdd field for editing single reference fields as Resolved.
Aug 3 2024, 11:31 · Unknown Object (Project), Unknown Object (Project), Paid, Kanban

Aug 2 2024

kuba-orlik updated Coded by for T2951: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious Playground, added: michal1024; removed; jenkins-user.
Aug 2 2024, 18:38 · Paid, Sealious playground, Kanban
kuba-orlik updated Coded by for T2953: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Module Starter, added: michal1024.
Aug 2 2024, 18:36 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Kanban
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2915: Convert Feature Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: FilipI; removed; nijatbabakhanov.
Aug 2 2024, 10:46 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user placed T2915: Convert Feature Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd up for grabs.
Aug 2 2024, 10:46 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2915: Convert Feature Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd from Doing to Review on the Kanban board.
Aug 2 2024, 10:46 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
nijatbabakhanov added a revision to T2915: Convert Feature Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd: Restricted Differential Revision.
Aug 2 2024, 10:46 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground

Aug 1 2024

jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2915: Convert Feature Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: nijatbabakhanov; removed; FilipI.
Aug 1 2024, 19:16 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Coded by for T2915: Convert Feature Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: nijatbabakhanov.
Aug 1 2024, 19:16 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user assigned T2915: Convert Feature Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd to nijatbabakhanov.
Aug 1 2024, 19:16 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
nijatbabakhanov moved T2915: Convert Feature Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd from To do to Doing on the Kanban board.
Aug 1 2024, 19:16 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
kuba-orlik moved T2915: Convert Feature Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
Aug 1 2024, 19:15 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
kuba-orlik edited projects for T2915: Convert Feature Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: Paid; removed Unknown Object (Project).
Aug 1 2024, 19:15 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user placed T2916: Convert Linker from old Sealcode website to jdd up for grabs.
Aug 1 2024, 19:06 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2916: Convert Linker from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: FilipI; removed; nijatbabakhanov.
Aug 1 2024, 19:06 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2916: Convert Linker from old Sealcode website to jdd from Doing to Review on the Kanban board.
Aug 1 2024, 19:06 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
nijatbabakhanov added a revision to T2916: Convert Linker from old Sealcode website to jdd: Restricted Differential Revision.
Aug 1 2024, 19:06 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2916: Convert Linker from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: nijatbabakhanov.
Aug 1 2024, 17:34 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user assigned T2916: Convert Linker from old Sealcode website to jdd to nijatbabakhanov.
Aug 1 2024, 17:34 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Coded by for T2916: Convert Linker from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: nijatbabakhanov.
Aug 1 2024, 17:34 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
nijatbabakhanov moved T2916: Convert Linker from old Sealcode website to jdd from To do to Doing on the Kanban board.
Aug 1 2024, 17:33 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
kuba-orlik moved T2916: Convert Linker from old Sealcode website to jdd from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
Aug 1 2024, 17:30 · Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
kuba-orlik edited projects for T2916: Convert Linker from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: Paid; removed Unknown Object (Project).
Aug 1 2024, 17:30 · Paid, Open-source, Sealious playground, Kanban

Jul 31 2024

michal1024 closed T2951: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious Playground as Resolved.
Jul 31 2024, 16:11 · Paid, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2951: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious Playground from Ready to land to Done on the Kanban board.
Jul 31 2024, 16:08 · Paid, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: FilipI; removed; nijatbabakhanov.
Jul 31 2024, 14:59 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user placed T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd up for grabs.
Jul 31 2024, 14:59 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd from Doing to Review on the Kanban board.
Jul 31 2024, 14:59 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
nijatbabakhanov added a revision to T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd: Restricted Differential Revision.
Jul 31 2024, 14:59 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user claimed T2951: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious Playground.
Jul 31 2024, 14:40 · Paid, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2951: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious Playground, added: jenkins-user; removed; AmeliaB, Koossa, karolwojtowicz87, brtkuu, prostyfranek, zbartosz, radoptak.
Jul 31 2024, 14:40 · Paid, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2951: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious Playground from Ready for testing to Ready to land on the Kanban board.
Jul 31 2024, 14:39 · Paid, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Tested by for T2951: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious Playground, added: FilipI.
Jul 31 2024, 14:39 · Paid, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user placed T2951: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious Playground up for grabs.
Jul 31 2024, 14:20 · Paid, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2951: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious Playground, added: AmeliaB, Koossa, karolwojtowicz87, brtkuu, prostyfranek, zbartosz, radoptak; removed; FilipI.
Jul 31 2024, 14:20 · Paid, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2951: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Sealious Playground from Review to Ready for testing on the Kanban board.
Jul 31 2024, 14:20 · Paid, Kanban, Sealious playground

Jul 30 2024

michal1024 closed T2953: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Module Starter as Resolved.
Jul 30 2024, 21:04 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Kanban

Jul 29 2024

jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2954: Add an "endless" option to autoscrolling-images, added: xanderazuaje.
Jul 29 2024, 20:00 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Kanban
jenkins-user assigned T2954: Add an "endless" option to autoscrolling-images to xanderazuaje.
Jul 29 2024, 20:00 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Kanban
jenkins-user updated Coded by for T2954: Add an "endless" option to autoscrolling-images, added: xanderazuaje.
Jul 29 2024, 20:00 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Kanban
xanderazuaje moved T2954: Add an "endless" option to autoscrolling-images from To do to Doing on the Kanban board.
Jul 29 2024, 20:00 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Kanban
kuba-orlik moved T2954: Add an "endless" option to autoscrolling-images from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to To do on the Kanban board.
Jul 29 2024, 18:54 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Kanban
kuba-orlik created T2954: Add an "endless" option to autoscrolling-images.
Jul 29 2024, 18:54 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Kanban

Jul 26 2024

jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2922: Convert Ordered Pictogram Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: kuba-orlik; removed; xanderazuaje.
Jul 26 2024, 06:05 · Unknown Object (Project), Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user reassigned T2922: Convert Ordered Pictogram Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd from xanderazuaje to kuba-orlik.
Jul 26 2024, 06:05 · Unknown Object (Project), Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user moved T2922: Convert Ordered Pictogram Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd from Doing to Review on the Kanban board.
Jul 26 2024, 06:05 · Unknown Object (Project), Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground

Jul 25 2024

jenkins-user moved T2953: Enable noUncheckedIndexedAccess TS option in Module Starter from Ready to land to Done on the Kanban board.
Jul 25 2024, 19:33 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Kanban
jenkins-user moved T2922: Convert Ordered Pictogram Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd from Ready to land to Doing on the Kanban board.
Jul 25 2024, 18:46 · Unknown Object (Project), Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: nijatbabakhanov; removed; FilipI.
Jul 25 2024, 18:45 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user assigned T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd to nijatbabakhanov.
Jul 25 2024, 18:45 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Coded by for T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: nijatbabakhanov.
Jul 25 2024, 18:45 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
nijatbabakhanov moved T2926: Convert Recommendation from old Sealcode website to jdd from Freezer (don't take those tasks just yet) to Doing on the Kanban board.
Jul 25 2024, 18:45 · Paid, Unknown Object (Project), Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user updated Action required from for T2922: Convert Ordered Pictogram Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd, added: xanderazuaje; removed; AmeliaB, Koossa, karolwojtowicz87, brtkuu, prostyfranek, zbartosz, radoptak.
Jul 25 2024, 18:44 · Unknown Object (Project), Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground
jenkins-user assigned T2922: Convert Ordered Pictogram Tiles from old Sealcode website to jdd to xanderazuaje.
Jul 25 2024, 18:44 · Unknown Object (Project), Paid, Open-source, Kanban, Sealious playground