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Narzędzia komunikacji
Updated 2,195 Days AgoPublic

Opis narzędzi do komunikacji w zespole, z jakich korzystamy - z pominięciem narzędzi programistycznych, których szczegółowy opis znajduje się tutaj:

Sealhub Workflow

NOTE: Z uwagi na asynchroniczny i zdalny charakter naszej pracy zachęca się do pingowania osób w celu przypominania o diffach, audytach i taskach :)
  • Unknown Object (Project)
Referenced Files
F1191: · GitLab - Mozilla Firefox_679.png
Mar 1 2017, 01:18
F1189: sealcode - Mozilla Firefox_680.png
Mar 1 2017, 01:18
F1187: Query: Active Repositories - Mozilla Firefox_681.png
Mar 1 2017, 01:18
F1185: shared_678.png
Mar 1 2017, 01:18
F1183: - Mozilla Firefox_677.png
Mar 1 2017, 01:09
F1181: Telegram_675.png
Mar 1 2017, 01:09
F1173: 2.png
Feb 28 2017, 16:53
F1175: 3.png
Feb 28 2017, 16:53
Unknown Object (Project)
Last Author
Last Edited
Jul 23 2018, 15:51

Event Timeline

arkadiusz-wieczorek edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
arkadiusz-wieczorek added a project: Unknown Object (Project).
arkadiusz-wieczorek edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
arkadiusz-wieczorek added a subscriber: Unknown Object (Project).Feb 28 2017, 19:44
kuba-orlik edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
kuba-orlik changed the title from Sealcode Wiki to Narzędzia komunikacji.Sep 24 2017, 12:29
kuba-orlik edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
kuba-orlik edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
kuba-orlik edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
kuba-orlik changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Unknown Object (Project) (Project)".Oct 4 2017, 16:26
kuba-orlik changed the visibility from "Unknown Object (Project) (Project)" to "Public (No Login Required)".Jun 2 2018, 15:06
kuba-orlik moved this document from Unknown Object (Phriction Wiki Document).
kuba-orlik shifted this object from the Restricted Space space to the S5 Publiczna space.Nov 4 2018, 08:43